Addressing Concerns of Reprisals
We take concerns about threats and reprisals against complainants and any other person involved in a CAO process seriously. People affected by IFC or MIGA projects must be able to raise their concerns freely and without fear. Since threats and reprisals affect access to CAO and our ability to respond to concerns, addressing these issues is at the forefront of our work.

Policy on Addressing Concerns of Threats & Reprisals
As described in the CAO Policy, to address concerns and risks arising from threats and reprisals related to our processes, we:
- Regularly conduct a risk assessment throughout a CAO process or activity;
- Will work closely with the concerned person to identify preventative measures and plan possible responses with the consent of the concerned person; and
- Safeguard individual identities where requested, including keeping information confidential that could, directly or indirectly, place individuals at risk.
How to Report a Threat
At any stage of the complaint process, complainants and affected communities can notify CAO of their concerns about risks of threats and reprisals. Complainants are encouraged to inform the CAO team they are they feel at risk, whether it be during the assessment, dispute resolution or compliance processes.
If you are considering filing a complaint, but have concerns related to threats and reprisals, please contact us to discuss ways to mitigate the risks. We can be reached by email: or by phone: +1 202 650 2627 (SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal).
Types of threats of reprisals can include (but are not limited to):
- Fears for a person’s job or standing at work, future job prospects being adversely impacted;
- Loss of reputation in the community or workplace;
- Threats of physical violence to individuals or their family members, and even;
- Criminalization or incarceration as a result of speaking out against the impacts of a project.
Our Policy on Threats and Reprisals includes the principles outlined in our 2018 “Approach in Responding to Concerns of Threats and Instances of Reprisals in CAO Operations,” which was developed to provide guidance for CAO staff and consultants on how to address situations involving threats and incidents of reprisals targeting individuals engaged, or seeking to engage, with CAO.
In 2024, an Independent Review of this Approach was completed by an external consultant. The review examined the evolution of our procedures and practices related to responding to concerns of threats and reprisals and summarizes developments in the field, including best practices by independent accountability mechanisms. Following the review, we undertook several measures, including (but not limited to): enhancing our website to improve access to information for complainants; provide opportunities for CAO knowledge-sharing and learning; and improving how staff and consultants approach risk assessment and safety in the field.
CAO Threats & Reprisals Data for Fiscal Year 2024
Working With Others
Managing risks of reprisals requires working closely with our stakeholders. We are guided first and foremost by the individuals at risk of reprisals and consult with them in relation to any threats and reprisals concerns throughout the CAO process. We also coordinate with IFC and MIGA and their Boards to manage the risks of reprisals and for learning purposes. We also regularly engage with the other members of the Independent Accountability Mechanism (IAM) Network for knowledge-sharing purposes.