Our Work with Mediators
CAO mediators play a critical role in the Dispute Resolution function.
They guide parties through the dispute resolution process, foster constructive dialogue, and empower them to reach decisions autonomously.
In cases where the complainants and the company decide to engage in a dispute resolution process, CAO appoints a mediator who manages the process on the ground with CAO’s support. Mediators act as an independent and impartial third party, helping affected individuals and companies to engage in dialogue and seek agreement on ways to address their concerns. See our cases in mediation.
Throughout the years, CAO has consistently taken steps to strengthen its network of mediators. To achieve that, CAO conducts Mediator Summits and regular online webinars to support CAO Mediators’ continuous professional development. Read about the latest CAO Mediator Summit.
CAO also seeks to expand its network and frequently screens new mediators to bolster its database as well as organizes workshops to introduce these new mediators to the intricacies of the CAO Dispute Resolution work. Read about mediator workshops.
Skills of a CAO Mediator
CAO works with local mediators who can apply core mediation principles and have hands-on experience with multi-party disputes. CAO mediators understand local dynamics and ideally have a background working on development projects and with local communities. They also have strong project management skills, flexibility, and diplomacy.
Role and Functions of a Mediator
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The mediator's role is to help the parties make their own decisions, through facilitating and managing the dispute resolution process. The mediator assists the parties to:
- Understand the dispute resolution process and the respective roles of all stakeholders involved.
- Understand the voluntary nature of dispute resolution.
- Strengthen the capacity of the parties to engage effectively in the dispute resolution process.
- Establish principles which will guide the dispute resolution process.
- Identify the issues to be mediated, and the parties’ needs and interests.
- Help the parties reach an informed decision about how to resolve the dispute.
- Monitor or build mechanisms to monitor the implementation of any agreement reached during mediation.
The CAO Mediator Toolkit provides guidance on dispute resolution processes and applies to all consultants appointed by CAO as Mediators to assist in handling of complaints.

Other Resources and Tools
Online Induction Course for Mediators
CAO's updated online induction course for mediators is an educative and interactive learning course which aims to ensure that Mediators contracted to work on complaints understand the CAO and its role within the World Bank. The course uses quizzes, game-based techniques, videos and text to explain the Mediators’ role and the role of other actors involved in the complaint handling process. It also provides resources to support Mediators in effectively handling a CAO complaint.
Reflections from Practice Series
Guidance Notes
If you are a mediator with proven understanding of and ability to apply core mediation principles as well as hands-on experience mediating dialogue in multi-party disputes, and are interested in CAO’s work, please submit your resume to CAO@worldbankgroup.org.
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