Cambodia: MEF -09
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
Predatory lending practices, loss of livelihood, possible land loss, food insecurity, and threats and intimidation.
Project Information
US$150 million
IFC, in collaboration with the german development bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the Development Bank of Austria (OeEB), created a global Microfinance Enhancement Facility (MEF) in 2009 to support microfinance institutions worldwide that may face funding shortfalls during periods of unprecedented financial stress. At the time of investment, IFC aimed to support over 100 microfinance institutions operating in more than 30 countries, including over 20 IDA countries.
In July 2024, CAO received a complaint concerning KB Prasac PLC (Prasac), a client of MEF. The complainant, a borrower with Prasac, raised concerns about the harmful effects of the lending and collection practices on their livelihood and social well-being. The complainant alleged that they faced threats and intimidation from project employees, including pressure to sell their last plot of land, which they currently use to grow vegetables for family consumption.
The complainant also alleged that these actions led to a decline in their daily living conditions and contributed to potential food insecurity.
In October 2024, CAO found the complaint eligible and initiated an assessment.
The case is under assessment.
Status as of December 30, 2024