Cameroon: Transmission Line-01
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
Farmers from an impacted village
Insufficient compensation of land acquisition
In January 2024, CAO received a complaint submitted by residents of a village affected by the activities of the project, as a transmission line is going to pass through crops and homes of residents, which will result in an acquisition of their homes and lands. The complainants cited the following issues: i) lack of information and consultation regarding the high-voltage line passing through their agricultural lands; ii) land loss and destruction of crops and agricultural land as complainants state that agricultural lands will be affected in one case, and in some cases destroyed, due to the high-voltage line passing through their area; and iv) insufficient compensation proposed as complainants believe that it does not adequately account for all their assets used for sustenance and livelihoods.
In February 2024, CAO found the complaint eligible for assessment. During the assessment, a detailed analysis concluded that the planned transmission line does not relate to an active IFC/MIGA project.
In August 2024, CAO concluded the assessment and closed the case in accordance with the CAO Policy as it does not fall under CAO’s mandate. The Assessment and Conclusion Report is available in English.
The case is closed after assessment.