Outreach in Latin America & the Caribbean: Accessing Independent Accountability Mechanisms

On December 10th, CAO co-hosted an open, online outreach seminar with seven other independent accountability mechanism (IAMs)* for the Latin America and Caribbean region to increase awareness about accountability mechanisms. The seminar, which was held in Spanish and livestreamed on several social media platforms, attracted more than 340 views on YouTube alone.
CAO often conducts outreach with other IAMs to help improve our communication with stakeholders and strengthen our accessibility to potentially affected communities. This event aimed to explain to local communities the role of IAMs, how project-affected people can access accountability mechanisms, and covered the steps that are taken to file a complaint. It also showcased case examples and stories from civil society organizations about their experiences accessing IAMs.
A recording for the event is available in Spanish. Similar online outreach events have been held for the Middle East and North Africa, and Asia regions.
* Organization of the event was led by the IAM of the IDB Group: Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI). In addition to CAO, coordinating IAMs also included: Accountability Mechanism (AM) of the World Bank; Complaints Mechanism of the European Investment Bank; Independent Accountability Mechanism of FinDev Canada; Office of Integrity, Compliance and Accountability (ICA) of the Caribbean Development Bank; Project-Affected People’s Mechanism (PPM) of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); and Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).