CAO Strategic Priorities FY23-25

Read our Strategic Priorities for Fiscal Years (FY) 2023 to 2025.
In FY22, CAO embarked on a strategic planning process that sought to align CAO activities and resources with the implementation of the new CAO Policy adopted in June 2021. While the new Policy reinforces the mandate and three functions of CAO (Dispute Resolution, Compliance, and Advisory), it also includes provisions to make CAO processes more effective. In so doing, it asks more of CAO, IFC, and MIGA in how the functions are executed. These include shortened time frames, increased transparency, enhanced opportunities for engagement by IFC and MIGA, and an increased emphasis on engaging complainants and facilitating access to remedy. Moreover, the CAO Policy changed the reporting line from the President of the World Bank Group to the IFC and MIGA Boards of Executive Directors, requiring not only changes in processes but also increased efforts to provide greater clarity and information about CAO’s work. Last, the External Review Report issued a series of recommendations that provide CAO with a roadmap of other reforms and improvements not directly related to the CAO Policy to enhance the effectiveness of CAO.
This document presents the results of a strategic review of CAO priorities for the period of FY23–FY25. In the report, we highlight current operational strengths and challenges, the institutional priorities of IFC and MIGA, the realities of operating during a pandemic, as well as other contextual factors. We identified five key priority areas for FY23 to FY25, which include:
- Effective case handling and transition to the CAO Policy, with a key focus on reducing backlog of cases, ensuring timelines established in the CAO Policy are met, and facilitating access to remedy.
- Capturing and developing knowledge, with an emphasis on increasing the learning and informational value of our casework.
- Strengthening engagement with internal and external stakeholders to enhance awareness, understanding, and trust in CAO’s purpose and value so that our mandate can be fully exercised.
- Enhancing staff capacity and the internal work environment, with an emphasis on expanding and deepening the skills and experience of staff and consultants and promoting a respectful work environment.
- Identifying and implementing efficiencies in CAO operations to streamline processes, reduce time delays, and effect cost-savings.
These priorities will guide and inform CAO’s annual work plan and budget through FY25. Indicators have been developed to monitor, evaluate, and report on progress with respect to expected improvements related to effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency. Download the full document for more details.