Uzbekistan: Zarafshan-01
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
Herder and landlord of the property where the cement plant is located
Soil damage from heavy machinery oil spills, environmental and biodiversity effect from dust, unfenced project site, and damaged road.
Project Information
IFC is providing an A loan for IFC's own account in the amount of up to US$75 million and mobilize financing through a B loan.
IFC has an active project consisting of the development, design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the 500MW Zarafshan wind power plant located in the Navoi region of Uzbekistan under the terms of a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement with the JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU), the state-owned single buyer and off-taker. The wind power plant will comprise of up to 111 wind turbine generators.
In July 2023, the CAO received a complaint submitted by a resident and landlord of the property where the cement batching plant for the project is operating in the Tamdy district, Uzbekistan. The complaint cited concerns related to the following issues: i. heavy machinery used by the project spilling waste/oil on his land and damaging his property; ii. government authorities fined the complainant for the oil spillage on his land; iii. environmental impacts of the construction work, such as dust distributed by the turbines, making it impossible for animals to feed and graze in the area, as the plants are covered with dust; iv. impact on animal health, with unfenced trenches that pose a danger to animals; and v. economic loss suffered by the complainant, who lost eighteen sheep and one horse due to the aforementioned situations and adverse impacts on his land. This land, utilized for animal breeding purposes, serves as the main source of his economic subsistence.
In October 2023, CAO found the complaint eligible and conducted an assessment. During the assessment process, the complainant and the IFC client expressed an interest in engaging in a CAO-facilitated dispute resolution process to resolve the issues raised in the complaint using a collaborative approach.
On January 19, 2024, the parties agreed on the ground rules to guide the mediation process. Between January and March 2024, CAO facilitated two joint meetings and several online and in-person bilateral meetings with the complainant and IFC's client.
In March 2024, as a result of CAO’s dispute resolution process, the parties reached and signed an agreement. In accordance with the CAO Policy, the case was transferred to dispute resolution monitoring. The parties agreed that CAO would monitor the implementation of the agreement until December 31, 2024.
In December 2024, during the monitoring mission, the parties confirmed that the agreement, which included the company’s commitment to ensuring the continued implementation of its waste management procedure, had been fully implemented to their satisfaction. A Joint Statement was issued in English and Russian.
In March 2025, CAO closed the case, and the Dispute Resolution Conclusion Report is available in English and Russian.
CAO closed the case after monitoring full implementation of the dispute resolution agreements.
Status as of March 10, 2025.