Pakistan: Karot Hydro-08/Jhelum River
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
Three individuals residing in the project’s area
Labor-related issues
Project Information
A loan of up to US$100 million and 15 percent equity investment for US$125 million.
IFC has an active project with Karot Power Company Limited (KPCL), a special-purpose vehicle incorporated in Pakistan and majority owned by China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Limited (CSAIL). The project involves the construction, operation, and maintenance of a 720MW run-of-the-river hydropower plant being developed on the Jhelum River, in Pakistan.
In February 2024, CAO received a complaint submitted by three individuals alleging unfair treatment in a recent hiring process by a KPCL subcontractor. They claim they were not rehired despite being qualified and that less experienced and unqualified individuals were chosen instead. Additionally, they stated that influential positions in the project were given to people from other districts, despite the availability of qualified local staff.
In March 2023, CAO found the complaint eligible for assessment. During the assessment phase, the complainants informed CAO that the issue raised in their complaint was resolved, and as such, they decided not to continue with the CAO process.
In accordance with the CAO Policy, CAO concluded the assessment and closed the case.
The case closed after assessment.
Status as of 30 July, 2024.